When dropping weight it can be much easier said then done. Below are just some of the tips I've come across in the last couple of months that have actually made an effect on my body. I use to be 420 pounds now I'm at 385, and dropping. Hopefully my insight into my life can help everyone out there even just a little bit.
- When first starting on the idea, don't just go and join a gym, take things slowly, and start by sitting down with a pen and notepad and actually list the things you eat on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis (makes you pretty sick when you take a look at the finished product).
- After you've written, depending on if you want to progress slowly, by walking, drinking more water and less sugar (which turns into fat if not burned off), or join a gym and start hitting the weights (with supervised trainers, please) it to totally up to you.
- The pounds you lose at first will be all water weight, but there is a trick to keeping those pounds from coming back. Just like smoking, when you start altering your eating habits, your body feels the effects right away. Keeping those new habits within your life constantly means that your body along with your focus and mental toughness will begin to build higher and higher.
- Changing up your exercise routine, will help you get adjusted with different muscles in your body and help you from plateauing over time. This way you body knows to keep on burning that fat because the new exercises will be kind of like another "wake up" call for you.

Warning: Always keep some water or something along the lines of hydration right by your side, it is dangerous for you mind and body to get over heated and may cause you to pass out if continued.
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