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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Alcohol Abuse Effects-What Alcohol Does to Your Body and How to Break This Habit

Alcohol abuse effects are widespread and very dangerous for the alcoholic, which is why you need to be aware of them. Whether you are a loved one wants to stop drinking, it’s important to understand what’s at stake here so that you can be extra motivated to quit.

Some of the more common traits that alcoholism brings about arevomiting, depression, an inflamed liver, a yellow skin color, frequent illness, etc. there are many more symptoms, but the bottom line is, if you leave your alcohol problem unattended, you very easily could wind up with liver problems and failure down the road.

At this point, it’s usually too late, and it’s unfortunate how many people die because of not being able to control their alcoholproblems. Of course, this doesn’t even take into account the many people that alcoholics can hurt by drunk driving, not to mention the affect on their family by always coming home drunk.

Therefore, getting treatment as fast as possible is not optional, it’s essential if you want to live a healthy life. The first thing I’d recommend to help you stop is to join a group that will hold you accountable, such as alcoholics anonymous.

There’s a reason this group is so adapt at helping people stop drinking-by coming together with other people who are trying to accomplish the same goal, it provides a tremendous amount of encouragement versus just trying to succeed on your own.

The statistics bare this out as well-the vast majority who attempt to stop drinking by themselves are unsuccessful. This is true of stopping smoking as well. Just having that human interaction during this process is vital, and should not be overlooked.
While joining AA should be enough in and of itself to help you stop drinking, I will provide some more tips that you can implement right away. First of all, knowing why you drink is essential to stopping, because it shows you the root cause of it.

While many treatment programs only focus on the physical aspect of alcoholism and how to reduce your cravings, this does nothing for the mental aspect.

Quite simply, almost certainly you started drinking as a method to help you deal with stress of some sort, and when you eliminate alcohol, it does nothing but leave a vacuum that will likely be filled by another bad habit.

However, if you understand why you began drinking (or any bad habit, for that matter) you can deal with it much more effectively.

This brings me to my next point: once you’ve joined a program and have begun to eliminate the drinking habit, it’s imperative you find something else to fill your time with. it doesn’t have to be anything fancy-just hiking, reading, or anything else that captures your interest and takes your mind of alcohol.

Hopefully this info on alcohol abuse effects will encourage you to stop drinking as quickly as possible and get your life back on track.

Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga has been the world proven way for staying fit for hundreds of years. The best thing about yoga is that it is side effects free. You can do it being safe and secured and not have any issues. A  Yoga for weight loss is known to be very easy and effective way than going for crush diets and tough weight loss regimes in the gym. If the yoga poses are done in the proper way weight loss is a must. Through this you can be back to a right shape for sure. 

The Benefits of Using Yoga for Weight Loss:

There are various benefits of using yoga for weight loss. They are like, 

* Gym and other weight loss ways like pills also are very costly. They are needed to be intake regularly and the packages for weight loss in various centers are becoming really costly. Whereas the yoga poses once learned can be performed every day at home by you. 
* As previously told Yoga does not have any side effects. Pills are often found to cause heart diseases. The gym is often found to make you overweight if you leave going to it regularly. 
* The medicines, gym and even other weight loss programs do not have guarantee attached with it. Whereas yoga poses have proofed themselves to be working for hundreds of years.
* Above all Yoga is a way of gaining health along with losing weight and not just goes weak with crush diets or heavy exercises. 

Some yoga posses for weight loss:

There are some yoga posses which are for weight loss in specific. Your yoga for weight loss program must contain them in your chart regularly, 

* Power Yoga: this is a form of yoga which involves a bunch of posses which can make you not only come back to the right shape but also into great fitness and give your work abilities a great boost.
Bikram Yoga: this is mainly performed by the athletes as this is known to burn calories fast so you can use this yoga for weight loss. 
Ashtanga Yoga: is the easiest way for losing weight though being easy it takes more time than the other two. 

If you perform these yoga posses regularly you are not only going to lose weight but also going to gain a healthy mind and body that is the demand of the time. Yoga for weight loss is gaining success day after day as the number of success is much higher in yoga than others ways.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Chisel Your Stomach With Simple Bicycle Exercises

This abdominal exercise specifically targets two different parts of your core, which are your upper abdominals and your obliques. 
 Your upper abdominals are the most common abdominal muscles to be targeted with more exercise and are the easiest to strengthen and tone. 
 Your oblique abdominals are those muscles on the side of your waist area, or you might better recognize them as the “love handles.” Yes, this exercise will help you accomplish the destruction of those pesky love handles once and for all.
 The reason this is such a common abdominal exercise is because of the fact that this targets two separate abdominal groups at the same time.
 Bicycles are one of the most common abdominals exercise and it is very self-explanatory. Basically you do what the name implies, which is pretend to ride a bike while sitting down.
 First, you want to lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground and your higher back off the ground. Put your hands beside your head and bring knees up to about 45- degree angle.
 You’ll know you’re in the right position when you feel a little tugging in your “six pack” area the moment you are in that position.
 Once in the position, start to slowly go through a bicycle pedal motion and picture yourself riding a bicycle. This exercise isn't  too complex because of the fact that you're basically pedaling a bicycle, but at the same time this work out blasts both your obliques and your upper abdominals.
 Touch your left elbow to your right knee, then your right elbow to your left knee and repeat this motion, keeping your higher back off the ground and keeping an even, relaxed breathing throughout the work out.
 If this exercise doesn’t seem to be pushing you to your limit then I have a variation for you to try out. It is pretty easy to do, and the only real difference is that you perform bicycles backwards. 
 Yes I said backwards. This can be pretty tough because the movement and timing can be pretty awkward at first, but once you get the concept down you’ll really tone your abdominals much faster.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Health And Fitness Issues That Concern Americans The Most

Health and fitness are clearly central themes for every single one of us, if the number of available opinions on the subject is anything to go by. The deluge of new health and fitness articles published each month can be a little overwhelming. How is a person supposed to wade through all the information to find the nuggets he or she was looking for, without losing your mind in the process? We have done a little of the data crunching for you, to offer you our compact guide to articles on health and fitness.

Take a browse with the search engine of your choice to gain access to a wealth of newly-published information and you will see straight away that fitness is fun. Health issues less so, since they can be rather more cause for concern. Articles are written on a plethora of available topics, covering all possible aspects of health and fitness, always up-to-date. If you are interested in obtaining or publishing fitness articles for free, a number of sites can provide a wide variety of articles for publication. The proviso is that the material is not edited in any way, so any commercial content is not lost. The Virtual Fitness trainer, for example, has informative, up-to-date, upbeat and readable articles on any and all of the categories discussed, as does EzineArticles, the ever-ready resource on all known topics, where keen and well-informed authors express their heartfelt opinions and share their expertise.

Interestingly, the topic of most concern for the American public is clearly nutrition, with more than a third of available articles concerning this issue. This is hardly surprising in a country where a whopping 23% of the population is obese and 60% definable as overweight. Factors affecting weight loss and dietary supplements for those reducing in weight are naturally a priority and very much in evidence. Related to these are the many articles on exercise techniques. Indeed, whole websites are dedicated to this topic, because if you they act as remote a personal trainer, with a structured, tailor-made fitness program for each member who logs on. This is a prime source for fitness articles, although the wary will want to watch out for merchandising pure. Clearly some of the advice on apparel and products is not entirely impartial.

The nutritional disorder diabetes is another highly popular theme. This comes as no surprise, with 6% of Americans suffering from some form of diabetes. Sufferers in this field like to keep abreast of the latest in news and medical advances, because a small change in this field can make an enormous difference to quality of life. And if you can feel it in your bones, you are bound to find something for you which will make you feel more comfortable. Articles on arthritis, osteoporosis, back problems and ageing in general are available. There's something for everyone.

Before skin, hair and nail products, snoring and erectile dysfunction comes the whole gamut of mental health products and techniques. Whether you are into aroma therapy, relaxation, psychotherapy or meditation, you can keep abreast with a couple of clicks of your mouse. Health and fitness affects us all, so go ahead and enjoy yourself and take advantage of your ready access to a little of the latest on whatever takes your fancy. You may learn something which you didn't even realise you couldn't live without. And you can take that to dinner tonight.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fitness And Nutrition

In the age which we live there is an unprecedented focus on getting and staying healthy. As more and more research points to the effect of fitness and nutrition on our overall health, the findings become more difficult to ignore. There is no doubt that the food that we eat and the physical activity that we perform significantly impact our weight and our body's overall health and longevity.

When you look at fitness and nutrition and the consequences of ignoring their importance, it is not difficult to see how large a role they play in our health. First and foremost, it is important to understand how powerfully diet can affect us. Natural, whole foods - such as fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins - give our bodies the vitamins that it needs to function effectively. We have energy when we eat right. And when we have energy we burn fat. Eating properly allows us to maintain a healthy weight and keep undue stress off of our hearts; it also allows us to keep our blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the healthy range. Most importantly, good nutrition keeps our bodies stocked with antioxidants that fight off a range of illnesses including cancer.

But nutrition does go it alone; fitness and nutrition go hand in hand for achieving good health. When we keep our bodies active through a consistent exercise program, we are adding to our body's ability to metabolize food and keep weight down. Further, good fitness means strong and limber muscles and a strong cardiovascular system. Exercise also lowers blood pressure and reduces stress levels.

Learning how to pair fitness and nutrition for optimum health means a commitment to a particular lifestyle. It is essential that you revamp your diet to eliminate fatty, high-sodium, and processed food and replace it with fresh, natural - and even organic - choices. But remember, fitness and nutrition work best as a team. Implement a consistent regime of physical activity into your daily schedule including cardiovascular work, stretching, weight training, and even yoga or Pilates.
When you truly understand the importance of fitness and nutrition in your life, you will understand how crucial these lifestyle changes are in order to live a long and healthy life.

Why Women Need To Exercise ?

Women know they need exercise, but who has the time? Balancing a career, a family and everything in between often causes women’s personal needs to take a back seat to other concerns. There are numerous reasons why women need to include exercise into their daily routines. Of course, there is the obvious benefit of shaping a slimmer body but did you know that exercise for women has also been proven to alleviate depression, help prevent colon cancer and boost your immune system?

In addition, regular exercise for women helps prevent osteoporosis by strengthening their bones. Many women find that exercise relieves the symptoms of premenstrual tension (PMT), painful periods as well as pre- and post-menopausal symptoms.
Women who are physically fit before and during pregnancy often have less severe back and  labor pan and experience easier deliveries than women who are unfit. Further, fit mothers-to-be are less apt to become overweight and regain their pre-pregnancy figures much more quickly after giving birth.

In addition to improving their appearance and overall health, many women say that exercise helps to boost their self-confidence in all aspects of their lives. Mary McElroy, professor of kinesiology at Kansan State University  says, "Exercising gives women a sense of accomplishment, which is related to self-esteem. It can have a powerful effect on self-image. I would take the benefits of exercise beyond health. Exercise is an important component of one's quality of life."

In recent years, there has been a boom in the variety of workouts for women as well as an increased availability of exercise and physical recreational options, including  online fitness programs--primarily because more and more women are taking a serious interest in keeping themselves fit and strong. Studies have shown that a combination of cardio and strength and flexibility training including walking, running, climbing stairs, kickboxing, yoga, cycling at a moderate pace and other recreational pursuits help women to stay healthier, happier and more productive as compared to their sedentary counterparts.

Note: Always consult with a professional health care advisor before beginning any physical fitness program.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Drop Quick Weight

When dropping weight it can be much easier said then done. Below are just some of the tips I've come across in the last couple of months that have actually made an effect on my body. I use to be 420 pounds now I'm at 385, and dropping. Hopefully my insight into my life can help everyone out there even just a little bit. 
  • When first starting on the idea, don't just go and join a gym, take things slowly, and start by sitting down with a pen and notepad and actually list the things you eat on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis (makes you pretty sick when you take a look at the finished product). 
  • After you've written, depending on if you want to progress slowly, by walking, drinking more water and less sugar (which turns into fat if not burned off), or join a gym and start hitting the weights (with supervised trainers, please) it to totally up to you. 
  • The pounds you lose at first will be all water weight, but there is a trick to keeping those pounds from coming back. Just like smoking, when you start altering your eating habits, your body feels the effects right away. Keeping those new habits within your life constantly means that your body along with your focus and mental toughness will begin to build higher and higher.
  • Changing up your exercise routine, will help you get adjusted with different muscles in your body and help you from plateauing over time. This way you body knows to keep on burning that fat because the new exercises will be kind of like another "wake up" call for you. 

When toning, always have a high number of repartitions, and a low number of sets within your workout, it keeps you going for longer and less occurrence of injury. 
Warning: Always keep some water or something along the lines of hydration right by your side, it is dangerous for you mind and body to get over heated and may cause you to pass out if continued.